
Teamwork for the win! You go first


i would agree that the internet sucks but I also think people suck in general

Nobody will ever guess the backstory behind that account

Hi guys, I am a furry, if any furries want to friend me you can, so please accept me in. I’m also trans.

Feb 14, 2023, 9:34 PM
6 2 6
shovel knight and it would be a day going to this@oren - Hey. - 17.2%

Discord really needs a way to mute @everyone notifications

wasteof.money has been taken over by the ST. All hail High Contrast!

literally nothing we have done at any point will matter once the fog comes


It's strange how much importance we as humans place on small events in our lives that overall won't matter, even when much bigger things are going on

what if five pebbles had wheels

i used to think that .ogg was cool

now i hate it

A Box

Q: imagin that your in a box, how do you get out?

A: stop imaging

“ranking all chirpy games”

I think the universe is trying to gaslight me

Back in my childhood days, I was reading some book about programming, and it mentioned how Sonic 3's Blue Spheres stage looked 3D and was actually 2D, and I remember almost exactly what the book said about it, but I can't actually find the book anywhere