
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

spam comments on this post, I need it for testing

What are you guys going as for Halloween

Every so often, I’ll go on trending and see a post from someone who I thought I was following and be like, “I’ve never seen that post before, must’ve slipped through my feed” and somehow I’m not following them even though I’m sure I was.

Which looks better?



On A, I use the user’s profile color as the accent color for the buttons. On B, I use the app’s accent color.

thanks to @da-ta for this awesome logo for the wasteof app!

States I’ve been to (hoping to get them all eventually!)

(I’m a little fuzzy on some of them especially in the North but i’m pretty sure this is accurate)

Every county I’ve been to in the US so far

Florida is probably rough cause it’s been 15 years, so I have no idea what I could be missing there

What should I call the wasteof.money iOS app?

222 followers, that’s an aesthetic number

I’m so thankful for this year. I’ve gotten a new computer, been to absolutely insane camps, had an awesome cross-country season (winning the state championship!!), deepened my friendships, and grown closer to the Lord. And we haven’t even gotten into the best time of the year yet.

I don’t think there’s very many people on this planet who have had a better time than I have had this year.

But for now, I have a moment to rest and recover from the insane year so far and prepare for the rest of it. I cannot wait.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights — James 1:17



Cross-country state championship today⚡️🌩️

Cross-country state championship today⚡️🌩️

This how it had to be, this is how it's gotta be; Walking in purpose I'm living the prophecy

I gotta be everything I was called to be

They after numbers, like Deuteronomy

I know they counted me out, but I keep it moving; Ain't calling no fouls;

Just give it a minute, we'll see who's around; We running the plays, they running their mouth

And it ain't no weak link in the team

Top of the morning, we up and they sleep

Sunday through Saturday, not for the weak

Hard to be humble, the team is elite, so give me my rings

Let’s goooooo!!!! I just ran a 22:35 5k, absolutely crushing my previous PR of 24:10.

The best part is, me and my other team members were only 5 seconds apart, and we all broke our PRs.

open the developer console on alpha.wasteof.money for a surprise :P

1 user: Jun 12, 2021

1000 users: Nov 9, 2021 (161 days)

2000 users: Jun 1, 2022 (204 days)

3000 users: Sep 12, 2022 (103 days)

4000 users: October 3, 2023 (386 days)