
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

 W spooky theme, orange is the best color

Also, I had a really fun day today. The last few days have been really fun and it shows no sign of slowing down.

We spent the weekend reading, studying, and praying over John 17, Jesus’ final prayer before being crucified. Moments before being tortured and executed, He prays for us, not for Himself. It’s really crazy how selfless He was.

He died for my sin, even when I literally actively reject Him. And He invites us into a relationship with Him.

It was a great time, and I was really convicted of sin in a lot of ways. I loved it.

Going to the fall youth retreat today, I’m so excited!

It was a great time, and I was really convicted of sin in a lot of ways. I loved it.

Going to the fall youth retreat today, I’m so excited!

Guys I can use Apple Pay on my computer now! Here’s a photo of my friend buying a coffee with it, truly life-changing.

Going to the fall youth retreat today, I’m so excited!

Someone should do a double-blind study to see if people can actually tell the difference between 60hz, 120hz, and 240hz displays. I’m convinced it’s just a placebo effect, and no one can actually tell.

My fall youth retreat is next weekend, I’m so excited

You can use ethernet to USB-C on the new iPhones to get better internet speeds

He got it!

My brother bought a new Apple Watch Ultra 2 today, the day it came out

I got 24:07, a new PR. I could have gotten sub 22 probably, but I got a big cramp in my side. Still, a new PR is nice.

Aiming for a sub-22 minute 5k at my cross-country meet today. Wish me luck!

Aiming for a sub-22 minute 5k at my cross-country meet today. Wish me luck!

Sorry for talking about unions guys. There’s no excuse, I was just feeling argumentative. I do actually support unions by the way.

Time for dinner!

May not be relatable but it’s true