gender of the day (is this a fedi reference?)
bite people gender
beware the gay gay homosexual gay
→ dragn dragn fly dragn
cc @mef
beware the gay gay homosexual gay
→ dragn dragn fly dragn
cc @mef
You should be playing Battle for Google Sheets
(But seriously, we only have 2 players making any actions)
Battle for Google Sheets players should now have their player sheets. Actions can now be performed, so go ahead and flatten the surroundings for profits.
reminder that Palestine (Gaza and the West Bank) is still under attack ← video with more information
free Palestine
the same happens with anyamated emojis on sharkey (e.g. :neocat_floof_explode:) :0
this post makes me realize that each letter that’s typed restarts gifs while making a post which is weird, oh well
i love how no matter how hard i try to remove the stray outline green screen pixels, they just all stay… and i’m doing this just for a bump image lmao:
if it´s a, do it!!!
sometimes I wonder if I should take up gambling
sure it might seem like a waste of money, but what if it works
“full video of interview with (transphobic parent)
looks inside (thumbnyail)
isn´t it interesting how all the parents who spout BS about “parental rights” and “protecting their children” also don´t want to give their children any rights?
have YOU been unknowingly placed on the woke pipeline??
(I heard that this might actually be a real article lmao)
are these 3 claculas gonnya replace wom servers
edit: just realised that this marks jeffolo as FRENCH??? :0
cancelled fr /j
so true
More people while the colorless green horse slept past the barn had had had had had had had than I have. That that had had had had is that that Buffalo buffalo buffalo.
twitter sucks, but i just learned that disabling bing search results in windows search makes it comically faster, so if you don’t use that feature, you can disable it with this in powershell (credit Hank Poley)
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search" -Name "BingSearchEnabled" -Value 0 -Type DWord
tell me if the results are noticeable if you do it. debloating windows is really something
how do you translate these arrows
I think a Helldivers mod for Rain World would be really funny
rain deer?