
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

i love procrastinating on my conlang contest submission by working on a different conlang

reposting 3e boost of 3e ratio but only liking 3e boost and not 3e ratio or 3e original post

augmented triad

idk how i should spell 3e name of 3e 21st letter of 3e iso646 alphabet, bc <you> is obviously a pronoun, and (imo) <u> seems like a less formal version of „you“, i’ve seen <yew> and <yoo>, but i don’t like how 3ese look ei3er,


<ju>? <joo>? <yu>?, … jsjss

uh.. <yuu> no 3at looks too much like japanese romanji


I would listen to the auto-generated spotify playlists but my music taste was so horrendous and down-bad that I cannot touch that stuff

wait minecraft has emotes now


THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING (i am aware 3is has been 3e case for some time now, but i only just now realized 3e implications)

i may have started to calm down again; 3is i unacceptable!

tfw „dactyl“ (3e metrical foot) only has two syllables so you can’t pronounce it dactylicly

Feb 29, 2024, 10:00 PM
1 0 0

interestingly, 3e red squiggly line recognizes lowercase <french> as being a word, but nor lowercase <german> (i’m pretty sure ik why, it’s just interesting)

okay so apparently, @/expiredmilk1234, can’t tell 3e difference between toki pona, french, german, latin, spanish, russian, and japanese?


idk how many times i’ve almost accidentally said „dik“ instead of „idk“

or maybe «antivīve te ispum»

:| :0 i guess i have to say «morāre te ipsum» instead 3en

according to @/expiredmilk1234, «necā te ipsum» is 3e n-word