
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

i’m pretty sure if you’re born on leap day you legally age on february 28th or march 1st on non-leap years

happy leap day! one of my friends legally turns 5 years old today 🤩

one time i saw 3e words „one“ and „rope“ and 3ought 3ey were toki pona words, but 3en i couldn’t remember what 3ey meant. because 3ey’re english words. my native language is english. 0_0

:| :0 i guess i have to say «morāre te ipsum» instead 3en

according to @/expiredmilk1234, «necā te ipsum» is 3e n-word

nasa? tenpo wan la mi nasa. ona li pana e mi tawa tomo ko. tomo ko li jo e soweli. soweli li nasa e mi. nasa? tenpo wan la mi nasa…

according to @/expiredmilk1234, «necā te ipsum» is 3e n-word

„xanatos gambit“ is such a cool name for a 3ing

you should
for reasons such as [ABNORMALITY] or [MODIFYING_SYSTEMS]


listening to lagtrain rn


yo, do you know what the number one cause of constipation is?

3e fact 3at 3e nightmare code names omega and omicron literally just mean „big o“ and „little o“ is so funny to me; i never would’ve suspected a 3ing until it was pointed out
