
Teamwork for the win! You go first

Y'all will like every post the owner of this website makes I swear

he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation he made graduation


looks like amogus 🥶😳

hate it when you’re going in for a punch and accidentally hug the person

hate it when you’re going in for a hug and accidentally punch the person

Genshin players are DEFINITELY botting this, the votes went from Frontiers solid winning to Genshin overpowering everyone. Regardless of who else wins, we CANNOT lose to Genshin. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Sonic Frontiers is now like 2-4% above Genshin, and God of War is actually getting close to beating Genshin as well. 

We can’t let Genshin Impact win GOTY for 2022.

Sonic Frontiers is the closest candidate to beating them, and needs a whole bunch of votes to overcome the bots voting for Genshin (yes, bots.)

Here’s the link to vote: https://thegameawards.com/brackets/players-voice

Big announcement at 63 followers

based 😤😤

dude i'm always night

imagine if a bunch of people unfollowed jeffalo in return

Bro jeffalo unfollowed me 🤣😂


guys let’s get him to 50 followers then

big announcement!!

at 50 followers

nother post, those rascals might pay attention to me if I cease my endless cycle of re-posting the I.M. Markov experiment.

i wanna write a

Not if I lose my kneecaps

Fan fact: There are enough bones in your body to make up an entire Skeleton.

what are the rules on images of blood for this website @jeffalo

same tbh

ok i haven't died yet.

The first post on this website was made 15 years ago. Let that sink in.

not thinking = big brain

dumb idea: i think)