
professional dingus


I’m drake from rap

i put a lemon in a microwave for 30 minutes and it exploded

99 bottles of shrimp in a mug, 99 bottle of shrimp, take one down, pass it around, you got 98 bottles of shrimp in a mug

what’s up everybody i think dogs should vote

google nugget numbers thank me later

pronouncing GitHub like github to spice things up

pee pee poo poo

if you pronounce milk like melk you are going to hell

this is a certified bagel bites™ moment

an apple in the hand a day keeps one bird doctor in the bush with two stones

gimme the peat boys and free my soul I wanna get lost in a mossy knoll

the plural of goose is goose

it’s the time of year where robins hop around in the grass looking for worms and that makes me very happy

frick adobe all my homies hate adobe

hey siri play venus by bananarama