
@misapuding made anew

being homosexual is kinda gay ngl

Something happened IRL and I wanted to take a break from the Internet to clam myself down but honestly this is something I have to share with you guys.

Ratio is no longer with us and that ratio committed suicide. Ratio was someone that made me feel like I am worth being in this world and she helped me follow my dreams and to even help accomplish them. Even when ratio was not in her best mood she was still there for me and others and the impact she had will not be forgotten. The legacy she had on this site is something many will not forget and we will all know that her legacy will still live on even after her passing. We will all remember the impact ratio has made to this site knowing that her and many others helped change this site to what it is today. Many will know her as ratio but I will remember her as my big sister that was there for me and was the most caring person a person can ask for. May she rest in peace knowing she is in a better place now. I will miss her a lot but will always love her from my heart.

Ratio ❤ 2006-2024

to whomever asked about pancakes:

what is the difference, really? so far the only thing i´ve heard about that is that what we translate to pancakes - palačinky, or palacsinta ig - is way closer to crépes, or the french pancakes, because they are thin and wide, while the english pancakes would be lívance (thicker and smaller, usually from yeast dough). is that correct?

WOULD YOU [[Terms Accepted]] AND GIVE THAT [[HeartShaped-Object]]

also have you ever tried palacsinta/hungarian pancakes (l… — i am not your little [[sponge]]

no, i haven't https://retrospring.net/@whenthesilly/a/112096300849496489

i´d say “we did it for the good cause but it ended up like it always does”, but i´m not even sure if this is intended for the good cause- sure, banning tiktok is good, but is that really what the US gov is going for?

I get the sentiment here. TikTok is in a lot of ways dubious. The links to the Chinese government are very scary (even if TikTok was resisting China, it cannot ignore laws that allow the government to access basically all user data), privacy isn’t great either, and poor moderation. However, something not being made clear enough is that the bill currently making its way through the US government titled “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act” isn’t just targeting TikTok, that’s what it is being used for right now, but it allows the president to declare any "foreign adversary-controlled applications" that are deemed as a significant national security threat to the US. This feels quite a bit like a slippery slope, sure, banning TikTok might be reasonable, but what if in the future the US decides to ban another social media in the name of national security when it’s more about ideology per se. There’s also the issue of whether you’re okay with ALL future presidents having this power. I’m not defending TikTok, but come on, banning something won’t actually stop TikTok, VPN’s exist. What would actually have not perfect, but some real effect is if the US would adopt strong privacy and data laws like the EU’s GDPR - this would rein in TikTok, and all tech companies, because let’s be real, they’re all evil and vying to sell our data, Meta has been accused of election interference y’know. The current solution IMO leads to some real issues in the future.

TikTok is being banned in the US.

Start celebrating, this might take a bit of a hit on their platform - I get some people just wanna use it, but you cannot deny it’s also a partial cause of a lot of brainrot.

The issue is that apparently TikTok is granting people in the US a huge “Please vote to not ban us” thing. I mean, they even pull bullshit:

"Destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country"

Lmao no it won’t, you pay like $20-50 (or $0.04 - Unable to find a source but those are the most common ratios I’ve seen) per 1 million views; Practically lower than my will to live, atleast higher than minimum wage I guess? Meh, I digress. So they are also lying in their own vote to not be banned! How trustworthy!

Plus they (the creators) can just switch platforms and announce that they are moving, sure, they may lose a lot of their fanbase, but atleast they’re moving away from that garbage.

Mar 7, 2024, 9:28 PM
6 1 9

i still don´t feel like that

everything after 2020 was “last year”

I just realized yesterday marks four years since everything started to shut down

I think it’s finally starting to feel like some time has passed

storing terfs on an island is a good idea

blahåj has quick access to them :<

who am I (hint: I am a wasteof user) — maybe youre skylar https://retrospring.net/@whenthesilly/a/112095453565408542

girls 😖 — REALLL!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://retrospring.net/@whenthesilly/a/112095456133696788


I am the person ieirjeiirjeirjijeirj idk but hello I'm skylar :3 — knew it https://retrospring.net/@whenthesilly/a/112095464354070350

which toh character is just like you fr — omg hai lily uhhhhhh i havent watched toh in a while

i wanna say luz i guess but it was like several months since i watched … https://retrospring.net/@whenthesilly/a/112095472527644534

cant post anonymously cause im not cute — ummm :/ yes you are https://retrospring.net/@whenthesilly/a/112095477279831630

On a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight? — germany 1942 terf island and i am a trans girl https://retrospring.net/@whenthesilly/a/112095495054055577

Mar 14, 2024, 6:30 PM
6 1 0

i didn´t

never experienced that, unless “fucking up my sleep schedule” means “you can´t have 2 allnighters in a row”

guys did you know that a single allnighter can fuck up your sleep schedule like alot

i miss that so much-

today is the 4 year anniversary of schools closing

imo its related to temperature

cold water is peak liquid

warm water is… very very meh

why is the epicness of the taste of water directly proportional to the lateness of night

and nothing of value was lost

Owen noooooooo!!! 😦😦

my memory is going to get wiped out tomorrow!

recent progress on Star Map

the game is now in full-screen instead of a 700x500
physical game environment
controllable ship
dynamic background
you can now jump to and dock with physical stations
pause menu (fully pauses game and shows controls, all other menus do not pause the game)
M to open map
animated hyper jump sequence
fuel usage and refueling
asteroid fields
mining / mining lasers

INDEV branch can be found here: https://editor.p5js.org/7vector/full/Jl86hf1u5

the source code is now over 3200 lines long

Mar 12, 2024, 5:47 PM
7 1 0

Hello, wasteof.money.

I remember the days I would frequent this website. Procrastinating my work to talk with numerous strangers, ingraining myself in a random community. It was a place that felt homely for a short while. And then it felt shallow.

That’s the interesting part of an online relationship. Whether with an individual or with a community, it is shallow. The magic of human interaction is humanity, and a screen cannot create humanity.

I used this place, and my numerous accounts, to express myself during a time when I, and many others, felt suppressed. A time where the exigence of the world situation far outweighed any conceivable insight, idea, or feeling you may have. It was the ability to share with a community that noticed you, even slightly, that made the site feel homely.

But anything regular will eventually fall into normalcy. That’s where it became shallow.

That’s where the veil was lifted. It was, truly, a coping mechanism. Most posts are a way to share your thoughts with people who just might care, even if you don’t know them. To share what you would normally suppress. To feel noticed, and realized. As much as anyone wouldn’t want to admit it, it’s what you want. Introverted, extroverted, even psychopathic, being realized is as much a human need as food and water.

A social network lets you place a bag over your head, form your words into ideas, and teach people your mind through language. It lets you hide, yet still be seen. It lets you choose what you show.

And thus, it fails to replicate humanity.

A face-to-face conversation displays you in totality. Something which may make some feel uncomfortable. Anxious. Despite the bad feelings which may be associated with these interactions, it creates one important thing: vulnerability. On the internet, it is the lack of vulnerability that creates toxicity. The lack of vulnerability that creates anonymity that creates hatred.

But again, nobody wants to feel vulnerable. Nobody wants everything to be seen. Regardless, you need it. As much of a need that being realized is, so is the vulnerability that comes with it. The world of social networks completely destroys this.

Social media got people through hard times.

Social media helped people find friends.

Social media changes people.

Social media has done all those things for me. It has done all those things to others. And it will continue to do those things for the rest of time. Social media will teach people. Change people. Kill people. Social media has an incredible amount of power. I believe that a lack of vulnerability is the reason for this power. The reason we give it power. We cannot find the cracks in the people on social media to make it any less powerful than it is.

When you really think about it, social media ignores the two most important things: the exigence of reality, and the truthfulness of humanity.

Hello, wasteof.money. And goodbye once again.

isn´t that called infodumping

interest rambling to my sister who is also interest rambling to me