
@misapuding made anew

I figured I'd ask here - and maybe repost tomorrow so people can see it when it gets buried

What are the best ear buds? I'm thinking of getting some sort of headphones for my phone (Google Pixel 7 pro) and I would preferably like some wireless ear buds. I've gotten a lot of different recommendations from my family and I am stumped on what to consider.

goodbye and have a good rest of life <3

also (important)

don´t forget to stay silli :>

Leaving wasteof.money

I have been on this site for 2 years, and it has been a lot of fun with a lot of memories I will never forget at all, but I am no longer interested in using wasteof anymore. Wasteof has changed to the point where it's no longer the same anymore, and it has shown to change a bit for the worse with people joining and making low effort posts with at this point is just spam and really this site is just not that engaging anymore and I think it's just best for me to leave the site. Love yall -ratio

“eternal september” :P

never forget September 13th 2022

BREAKING NEWS: @wynd just said “I despise all the stupid pieces of shit on waste of money. more like waste of time”

Mar 5, 2024, 4:07 PM
6 2 0

I am now very very late to a class for the reasons of

wasteof drama

*insert “my child will”-<jesus> meme here*

wasteof users will

always before sleep, also in the tram sometimes- (i think of custom netrunner cards xD)

we’re so terrified of our own thoughts that we drown them out whenever we can.

music or videos or podcasts or tv or social media or other content.

like when was the last time you didn’t have any external stimulation of any kind. like just lost in your own thoughts? probably in the shower, and then you’re back to stimulation 24/7. surely thats a problem???

just a thought

Nov 28, 2023, 6:11 PM
27 6 17

you definitely aren´t the only one

am i the only one that hears american politics and it immediately feels like my brain is rotting

i cant be the only one..

a day like this only happens once in 4 years.

silly and lily and ally and wuilly

unlocked Honour yesterday :D

Prestige tree: unlocked balance (row5)!

Uggh i thought these kinds of posts were gone 6 months after v2 release- ah shit, here we go again

Go post go

somehow, i´m automatically getting quirks now? i remember that before i had to manually reset (just like i have to do with hindrance), and no subspace/balance energy things seem to explain this… weird

edit: just realised that i didn´t read the first balance milestone (which is responsible for this)

prestige tree: just got my second balance! for some reason, after the first balance reset, i went for magic (i forgot about the milestones), so i had to do the after-reset run twice, but it was manageable. completing hindrances with all quirk upgrades purchased is fun!

Feb 25, 2024, 3:58 PM
2 0 0

prestige tree: just got my second balance! for some reason, after the first balance reset, i went for magic (i forgot about the milestones), so i had to do the after-reset run twice, but it was manageable. completing hindrances with all quirk upgrades purchased is fun!

Prestige tree: unlocked balance (row5)!