Welcome to the official page of The Wasted Onion, the only news source. We post the most important and trustworthy journalism that shines light in the dark halls of power and asks the tough questions. They say “Democracy Dies in Darkness”, we say “Hey, We’ll Totally Trade You This Democracy That’s Collecting Dust in Our Attic for a $100 Amazon Gift Card”.
The Wasted Onion posts the best news story every weekday from The Onion and is run by @da-ta in ode to @onion by imadeanaccount.
Bored Kylie Jenner Feigns Smile As Timothée Chalamet Continues Playing Harmonica
Surgeon General Recommends Adding Cancer Warning To All Nuclear Bombs
Conservative Outraged Tampons Available In Men’s Grocery Stores
Alarming Study Finds Only 1 In 4 Americans Can Get A Motherfuckin’ ‘Hell Yeah’
Confused Trump Autographs Swearing-In Bible Before Handing It Back To Justice Roberts
Welcome to the official page of The Wasted Onion, the only news source. We post the most important and trustworthy journalism that shines light in the dark halls of power and asks the tough questions. They say “Democracy Dies in Darkness”, we say “Hey, We’ll Totally Trade You This Democracy That’s Collecting Dust in Our Attic for a $100 Amazon Gift Card”.
The Wasted Onion posts the best news story every weekday from The Onion and is run by @da-ta in ode to @onion by imadeanaccount.