
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

one of 3e less discussed reasons to hate artificial intelligence is 3at it would be cool and funny to spell 3e pronoun „I“ as <ai>, but 3en people would 3ink you’re talking about artificial intelligence

if i start a yt channel, i 3ink i should end every video wi3 „all in all, every3ing i just said was false“

yo i found a chocolate bar in my binder

presently listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZTnBXAwuUA and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya1pDAOKyzk at 3e same time


inner peace /j

Mar 5, 2024, 10:24 PM
1 0 0

so wiktonary says that „beïng“ is a misspelling of „being“, but isn’t it a variant? <ei> isn’t usually /i.ɪ/, so putting 3e diëresis seems helpful, if unnecessary

wha— like, honestly i 3ink 3at having a physical calculator/dictionary on hand is good because 3en you don’t have to have as many tabs open

phacebooke is bad

new hack for wasteof.money just dropped: you can get 20 likes for spamming “website bad”. subscribe for more epic tricks

can we make this the most unnoticed post on wasteof.money thanks

tfw 3ere’s an irc client called weechat

i just realized new year was four days ago

i just realized new year was four days ago

i just realized 3at spanish «enero» has an <n> and an <r>, as does latin «iānuārius» and english „january“

you are now listening to a three-hour-old chick giving its opinions on Things In General

  1. i am once again [using all of 3e formatting options]

i 3ought 3is was factsbot for a second, and was very confused when 3e sentence didn’t parse

Light takes about 6,000 light-years away, making the Cloud 5G, another cloud game streaming handheld.