
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

halfty-two dozen and sixteen

vector field?

more like arrow plane

laughter track

tfw you remember ireland is in 3e western hemisphere

some ials are just latin vocab and simpler grammar

meanwhile, i am making a conlang wi3 mostly toki pona vocab and more complex, grammar

for whatever reason, spring break is after 3e first week of 3e first marking period

two weeks until spring break but one week until quarter four

i should be working on my social studies project instead of playing mobile games rn

i 3ink it would be cool if i made an english morphemic conscript

guess what (see edit history)

Mar 11, 2024, 1:46 PM
1 0 0

3e word „engender“ is absolutely hilarious

i may have made a mistake



How are there benefits to a boring lifestyle without music???? 🧐

augmented triad why aaiadjisj.sa.jksdjflaksjmod.;amw,esdp;/kf,pos;we’d[]wes’d\w2\]]p;lp[‘gj02

i find it odd 3at we call it „the latin alphabet“ when 3e name „alphabet“ is based on 3e greek alphabet

  1. it may be abnormal to call a group of ravens „an unkindness“, but owen is not making this up

  2. hot take, „unalive“ sounds goofier 3an „die“, and is 3us superior

I love spreading misinformation on the internet

This makes me think of censorship, which is a pretty interesting topic. Does it affect free speech if, for example, you will be demonetized on YouTube if you use words like kill, die, death, suicide, etc?

Yo, did you know that a group of ravens is called an "unkindness" ... which makes sense, considering the way they caw-lectively bully birds out of their turf.

that's a joke about birds in case you didn't catch that. 😉

chat is this real

Yo, did you know that a group of ravens is called an "unkindness" ... which makes sense, considering the way they caw-lectively bully birds out of their turf.

that's a joke about birds in case you didn't catch that. 😉